Angel: "High school honor student by day...Hollywood hooker by night." Teenage high school senior Molly Stewart (Donna Wilkes) leads a double life as a streetwise prostitute at night named “Angel”. When Molly witnesses a murder, she becomes the target of a serial killer. With the help of a detective, she must navigate the dangerous streets of Hollywood to uncover the killer's identity and survive.
Avenging Angel: “Angel's back... With a vengeance... And she's up to her old tricks again.” Betsy Russell takes over as Molly "Angel" Stewart in this gritty sequel. When her best friend is murdered by a vicious gang, Molly Stewart, now a law student, reverts to her old ways to seek justice for her friend's death. Teaming up with a group of vigilante street fighters, Molly takes on the criminal underworld of Los Angeles in a gritty and action-packed quest for revenge.
DVD 3 Hrs