Disc 1: Three Jolly Coachmen; Bay Of Mexico; Banua; Tom Dooley; Fast Freight; Hard, Ain't It Hard; Saro Jane; (The Wreck of The) “John B” (aka Sloop John B); Santy Anno (aka Santo Anno); Scotch And Soda; Coplas; Little Maggie; M.T.A.; All My Sorrows; Blow Ye Winds; Corey, Corey; The Seine; I Bawled; Good News; Getaway John; The Long Black Rifle; Early In The Mornin'; Scarlet Ribbons; Remember The Alamo; Molly Dee; Across The Wide Missouri; Haul Away; The Wanderer; Round About The Mountain; Oleanna.
Disc 2: The Unfortunate Miss Bailey; San Miguel; E Inu Tatou E; A Rollin' Stone; Goober Peas; A Worried Man; El Matador; The Mountains Of Mourne; Don't Cry Katie; Medley: Tanga Tika/Toerau; With Her Head Tucked Underneath Her Arm; Carrier Pigeon; Bimini; Raspberries, Strawberries; Mangwani M'pulele; With You, My Johnny; The Hunter; Farewell Adelita; Bad Man Blunder; The Escape Of Old John Webb; When I Was Young; Leave My Woman Alone; The Mornin', The Evenin' So Soon; Everglades; Buddy Better Get On Down The Line; South Wind; Who’s Gonna Hold Her Hand; To Morrow; Colorado Trail; The Tatooed Lady.